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IverHart Max and Bravecto
This page was last updated: January 10, 2025
What is Iverhart Max?
Iverhart Max prevents canine heartworm disease. It also treats and controls roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. Iverhart Max requires a prescription from your veterinarian.
For: Dogs (8 weeks of age and weighing at least 6 lbs)
Benefits: Tasty chewable tablets (pork liver cereal based with artificial beef)
-Easy to administer
-Given once a month
Iverhart Max
(Includes Tapeworm Medications)
Six-month Supply
Pink 6-12lbs- $40
Blue 12.1-25lbs- $45
Green 25.1-50- $50
Brown 50.1-100lbs- $55
*Must have proof of a negative heart worm test within a year. If not, a heart worm test is required in order to purchase heartworm prevention.
*Dogs under 6 months of age are able to proceed with heartworm preventative without a required heartworm test. Dogs over 6 months of age, not on preventative, are required to have a heartworm test in order to purchase heartworm preventativeDogs under 6 months of age are able to proceed with heartworm preventative without a required heartworm test.
We also carry Bravecto: a 3 month flea and tick chewable.
Rebates for IverHart Max:
$5 rebate for a 6 month supply
$12 rebate for a 12 month supply.